Part 2 of WTOP's Claws and Effect series looks at the competition the Chesapeake Bay blue crab is facing under the water.
Male blue crabs are generally slightly larger than female blue crabs but, Leung adds, it's important to know which kind ...
This month's column delves into why oysters are better from September to April and how they start life as male change to ...
After a 16-year prohibition, a group of Virginia watermen voted to reinstate winter crab dredging. Many argue the decision ...
Despite the Skin So Soft, or maybe because of it, the vicious greenheads did their worst, but if the blue-claw crabs were ... time I put another keeper male crab—or Jimmy—in my bucket.
An easy way to tell quality off the bat, Jones says, is by measuring the width from point to point on the crab shell, or carapace. Male crabs that ... the cerulean blue crabs turn a hot, bright ...
What is a hermit crab? There are over 800 species ... coming partly out of their shells so the male can transfer a sperm packet to the female, which fertilizes her eggs. She later carries her ...
Octopuses have blue blood, three hearts and ... fact they wore identical uniforms. Many male octopuses lack external genitalia and instead use a modified arm, called a hectocotylus, to pass their ...
This dish really highlights one of the crowned jewels of the Chesapeake Bay: the blue crab. This recipe has a very high ratio of crab to sauce, making it very decadent and a crowd-pleaser.
Overharvesting female blue crabs, Moore says, is the biggest concern. “After they come out of their semi-hibernative state in the winter, they’re the first ones to start spawning that year ...